Monday, January 1, 2007

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the point of the Bulletin blog?
The blog is intended to be a resource for International Division staff and others, bringing together newsletters, announcements and new publications on international aid and related topics from as many sources as possible.

What on earth is a blog?
Wikipedia says that a blog is ‘a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order.' Problogger has a fairly user-friendly and non-scary introduction to blogs if you would like more information.

What is a blog 'post'?
The left-hand column contains 'posts', individual news items, most recent first. Each 'post' has a title, a main block of text, a list of 'labels' (keywords) attached to it, and a 'comments' function.

Forthcoming events?
...are listed in the top right-hand column, in date order - these are both internal and internal, and include seminars, talks and film showings. Click on the event you are interested in for more information.

How do I comment on a blog entry?
If you click on the title of a post, you will go to a separate page dedicated to it. The comments section appears below the main post. By clicking on 'post a comment' (or by clicking on the number of comments on the main page of the blog), you will go to a page where you can enter your comment. Type it in the box at the top right-hand side. By selecting 'other' under 'choose your identity', you can type your name and (if you wish) your email address. Alternatively, you can leave your comment anonymous.

Why isn't it branded?
The Bulletin blog is currently in its pilot phase. After a successful first eight months in email form (reproduced as the first posts on this blog), it was felt that a more interactive, user-friendly format was needed. If the blog is a success, it may be possible in future to produce a branded version, perhaps integrated with RedRoom. The future of the bulletin blog is in your hands!

Who produces this blog?
The Bulletin is produced by the Humanitarian Policy & Partnerships (HPP) department of the International Division. Contact them by clicking here.

Anything else I need to know?
The site includes all sorts of clever things which (hopefully) enhance your experience as a reader:
  • live updating newsfeeds from the Reliefweb and Alertnet websites;
  • links to enable you to contact us, to subscribe to an email update and install an RSS feed on your Google toolbar or in your web browser
  • links to other websites - please email us if you have any suggestions.
  • a list of 'labels', keywords which enable you to see all the posts on a specific topic. Let us know if there is a label you don't see here and which you would like.
  • the website Archive - old posts, sorted by date;
  • sometimes there is also a 'poll', which we can change as often as we wish - let the editorial team know if you have an idea.
Like the rest of the Bulletin blog, this FAQ is under development. If you have unanswered questions or observations to make, we'd value your thoughts - email us, or leave a comment below!

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