- ODI's World Aids Day page includes a wealth of information and papers on a variety of related issues
- UNAIDS have just released a new HIV Epidemic Update, available from their website - it includes fact sheets by region, and useful slides and graphics.
- ChristianAid report: Don’t Take on an Empty Stomach: Why HIV Treatment Won’t Work without Food
- More people are living with HIV and AIDS in Washington DC (the capital) than in any other US city, according to Reuters.
- British Red Cross have launched redcrosshiv.org, a dedicated HIV/AIDS site, which includes Youtube videos and links to Facebook and Bebo pages - Web 2.0 has arrived at Moorfields...
'This campaign is as a result of work undertaken by BRC. Ipsos MORI conducted a survey in Great Britain, Ethiopia, South Africa and Kyrgyzstan. In each country, 300 young people aged 14-25 were interviewed. Interviews in Ethiopia, South Africa and Kyrgyzstan were carried out face-to-face, in-home, and in Great Britain interviews were carried out online using a pre-recruited sample from Ipsos MORI's research panel.Events at Moorfields:
Presentations in the auditorium, 2-3.30pm
-ICW Achievements over 15 years and outlook for the future - Fiona Pettitt, ICW
-Prevention of mother to child transmission - Nicola Stevenson and Alyson Lewis
-Communications project: International survey of young people and HIV - Amelia Lyons and Corinne Evans
-Celebration of partnership with ICW (International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS) - Matthias Schmale
Please come along to hear the latest research, attitudes and support towards people living with HIV. You are also invited to light a candle in City Point square between 12 noon and 2pm in support of people living with HIV.
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