The worldwide turn of interest to climate change that happened in 2007 found its last highlight of the year in Bali, where more than 10.000 people met for the UN Climate change conference.They were representatives of over 180 countries, observers from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, private sector and many journalists, in particular during the ministerial meeting. The subjects discussed were very complicated in general and the public pressure on negotiators to reach substantial goals was unprecedented. Opinions on the outcome differ but nonetheless, during the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Â’s fifteen years of existence, climate change adaptation has never received as much attention and interest as it did during this 13th Conference of the Parties (COP 13).
Last November, the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent was held in Switzerland. This conference – held every four years – brings together all components of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement with the world's states signatory to the Geneva Conventions to consider and adopt resolutions on major, current humanitarian issues. The conference focused on the humanitarian consequences of four great challenges the world faces today which affect the individual, and specifically the most vulnerable:
- environmental degradation and climate change;
- humanitarian concerns generated by international migration;
- violence, in particular in urban settings;
Read more on the outcome of the declaration and
3. Preparedness for Climate Change program advances: an overview of the first steps taken
For national societies participating in the ongoing Preparedness for Climate Change program: please note that 2008 is the final year of the program. We hope that as many as possible of you will be completing steps 2, 3, and 4 over the coming months. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the next steps to take
Practitioners from various states and various sectors who work with communities on the Pacific Islands States to address the climate risks they face, met between November 19 and 21 in Fiji. In a spirit of cooperation, information exchange and partnership, they came together with a shared belief that a solid understanding of climate change effects and extreme weather events enables civil society to develop stronger risk reduction and adaptation programs.
Click here to read the inspiring forum report, presenting new ideas and activities for Pacific Red Cross societies
As of December 2007 the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), based at Columbia University in New York, is developing tailored forecasting and monitoring products to help the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies improve its capabilities to both respond to and prepare for disasters. The need to incorporate climate information into disaster risk reduction and decision making is urgent, evidenced by the increasing frequency, intensity and humanitarian consequences of disasters around the world.
National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies can ask assistance at the International Federation and the RC/RC Climate Centre to obtain specific climate and weather related forecast information, which is derived from improved models for climate anomalies and extreme weather forecasts. This could be vital for early warning and response measures as both extremes and anomalies present particularly complicated conditions for disaster response.
The RC/RC Climate Centre is organizing a partnership meeting on January 30 in Geneva, Switzerland. All Participatory National RC societies interested in becoming a partner in our efforts to address the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable people are invited.
At the 20th of November 2007 the Climate Centre presented its Climate Guide at the International RC General Assembly in Geneva. The guide presents five years of experiences from over thirty RC national societies, in particular in developing countries. It relates the experiences of staff and volunteers all around the world working to understand and address the risks of climate change.
The guide starts with the basics: the scientific consensus on climate change, the humanitarian consequences and the general implications for the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Six thematic modules follow: Getting started, Dialogues, Communications, Disaster management, Community based disaster risk reduction and Health. Each module presents a background section with real life RC/RC experiences and perspectives, plus a ‘how-to’ part with specific step-by-step guidance.
The 140-page guide is available in English; versions in French, Spanish and Arabic will be available shortly. Click here to download the full English guide
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