Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Federation resources on global food crisis

The Federation has released a 'point of view' and practical guidance to NS and Zones on the recent sharp rise in global food prices:

Point of view on worldwide food price increases
Global food prices have been increasing continuously since 2000; however there has been a sharp increase since 2007. Over the last few months these food price increases, especially on staples such as wheat, rice and maize, have resulted in riots and civil unrest as well as impacting negatively on the poorest and most vulnerable who spend a large proportion of their income on food. While food prices are still below the peak reached in the mid 1970s in real terms, the potential for impact on vulnerable households is considerable.

Practical Guidance to NS and Zones on Food Price Rises
This guidance is provided in support of Zone office efforts to address the increase in food prices. It is meant to guide the thinking and suggest actions that can be taken either for ongoing programming or to think about preparing for situations that might arise resulting in countries and regions where we know recurrent disasters occur. It is not comprehensive in nature but should give programme managers and technical staff ideas on how to address the current situation. Consideration should be given as to how the current food price increases could be taken into account in the forthcoming planning period.

Download from the Federation website.

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