In January 2005, at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, in Kobe Hyogo, Japan, 168 States adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters, with the overriding goal of achieving a substantial reduction in global disaster risk. The Hyogo Framework provides comprehensive action-oriented policy guidance based on a comprehensive understanding of disaster risks, which arise from human vulnerability to natural hazards.
In the preparatory negotiations on the Framework, States stressed the need for specific means, including indicators, to measure progress toward the reduction of disaster risks. In particular, it was requested in paragraph 33c that the ISDR system, supported by the ISDR secretariat, coordinates the development of "generic, realistic and measurable indicators" for disaster risk reduction. It encouraged States to thereafter develop and refine such indicators for national use. Indicators, benchmarks and targets are commonly accepted tools to focus and guide development investments, the Millennium Development Goals being an important example.
This report is an important step towards addressing this request. It is intended to assist not only national authorities but also civil society and community organisations, regional inter-governmental institutions and technical bodies, international and donor communities in setting priorities for policies, plans and programmes for disaster risk reduction, while regularly monitoring and reviewing achievements against the chosen indicators.
Download the report from Reliefweb.
In the preparatory negotiations on the Framework, States stressed the need for specific means, including indicators, to measure progress toward the reduction of disaster risks. In particular, it was requested in paragraph 33c that the ISDR system, supported by the ISDR secretariat, coordinates the development of "generic, realistic and measurable indicators" for disaster risk reduction. It encouraged States to thereafter develop and refine such indicators for national use. Indicators, benchmarks and targets are commonly accepted tools to focus and guide development investments, the Millennium Development Goals being an important example.
This report is an important step towards addressing this request. It is intended to assist not only national authorities but also civil society and community organisations, regional inter-governmental institutions and technical bodies, international and donor communities in setting priorities for policies, plans and programmes for disaster risk reduction, while regularly monitoring and reviewing achievements against the chosen indicators.
Download the report from Reliefweb.
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